Protect Your Tyre or Mechanical Workshop From Fire & Other Emergencies.

Get Work Health & Safety Compliant Within 20 Minutes.

Our industry specific e-Learning course gives your tyre or mechanical workshop employees the essential skills and confidence to respond appropriately to fire and other emergencies while satisfying the latest WHS Regulations.

Tyre Mechanical Workshop - Staff Enrolments


Tyre Mechanical Workshop - Course Access


Tyre Mechanical Workshop - Flexible Study


Tyre Mechanical Workshop - Quick Completion


Tyre Mechanical Workshop - Mobility


Tyre Mechanical Workshop - Certificate of Completion


Safeguard Your Tyre or Mechanical Workshop
From Emergencies And Strict WHS Regulations

Do you have the confidence that all your staff would respond appropriately to a fire or workplace emergency? Are you up to date with the latest Work Health & Safety training requirements? Are you too busy to have staff participate in formal face-to-face training sessions? This is where we can help!

PRE-EMPT are the experts in all aspects of emergency training. Our industry specific online training program gives your staff proven skills to react to fire and emergency situations before emergency services arrive, which can potentially save lives or your business from ruin.

Achieve compliance in September


Get Proven Advice
So Your Team Can Respond With Confidence

Our team of safety experts have trained thousands of staff in all aspects of emergency awareness, so we have the experience and knowledge to train your entire team to handle any emergency in your tyre or mechanical workshop. When you book with us, you can rest assured everyone from tyre fitters, mechanics and admin staff are all receiving industry-leading safety training designed by fire safety professionals.

A Safety Course Designed
For Time-Poor Workshop Employees

Our ‘Emergency Awareness for Tyre and Mechanical Workshops’ online course has been designed by some of Australia’s leading fire & emergency experts. It condenses over a decade of fire safety experience into an easy-to-understand course.

Receive an email with your unique link, training content is delivered online making it easy for you and your staff to complete the course in your own time on any web enabled device. It’s easy to fit into busy schedules, simply log on whenever you choose to consume the content, it takes just 20 minutes to complete it!

Easy-To-Follow Fire Safety Training

‘Emergency Awareness for Tyre and Mechanical Workshops’ is broken down into bite-sized modules that are aligned with the requirements set out in Australian Standard 3745:2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’, along with State-based Work Health & Safety Regulations. Content includes;

Reporting & Correcting Unsafe Work Conditions
Emergency & Fire Safety Provisions
Raising the Alarm
Emergency Response Options
Roles and Responsibilities
Emergency Procedures
Installed Equipment
Post Emergency
Save at least 75% when you book in September


Access Unlimited Enrolments

into this Safety Training in September And Save!

Because our ‘Emergency Awareness for Tyre and Mechanical Workshops’ course is delivered online, you can train an unlimited number of people within your workshop. So even if you take on more trainees, apprentices or admin staff, they can all get the same expert safety training without additional investment.

Usually, a face-to-face training course requires an average upfront fee of over $800. Book now in September so you can save over 70% off that price. For a fixed fee of $195, you and all of your staff can access our industry-leading course for a full twelve months with unlimited enrolments.

Can You Afford To Risk It?

The rules around workplace fire safety have never been stricter. Saying, “you didn’t know”, about the latest Work Health & Safety regulations won’t cut it. And this puts your business and your reputation at serious risk when there’s a fire or emergency.

Our new course Emergency Awareness for Tyre and Mechanical Workshops gives your team the confidence to recognise and respond appropriately to emergency situations before they wreak havoc and do harm. It’s a small investment for complete peace of mind.

Train ALL of your staff in September


Preparing an Emergency Management Plan is easy with Pre-EMPT

Do I need this for my tyre or mechanical workshop business?
Yes. All businesses must comply with State-based Work Health & Safety Regulations, regardless of their size. All staff MUST be educated in the procedures to respond appropriately to emergencies. It’s encouraged that owners, staff and apprentices are all trained for emergency awareness at intervals not exceeding 12 months. By doing this, you’re not only adhering to legislative requirements, you’re demonstrating a positive culture towards emergency management and the health and safety of your team.
How long does the course take to complete?
Our ‘Emergency Awareness for Tyre and Mechanical Workshops’ online course is self-paced. We suggest you set aside 15-20 minutes to run through the module in one sitting. If there is any content that is not clear to you, you can go back and re-watch any part of the training. Completion is only recorded once the final screen is reviewed.
Is there an assessment with this training?
There is no formal assessment associated with this online training course, it is an ‘information only’ module.
How much does the course cost?

Our regular price for access to this online course and associated learning record management system is normally $595 for twelve months. Act now and we’ll provide this same package for only $95. This special annual pricing is guaranteed to be locked in for the life of your subscription with us, so you can renew each year with confidence that the price will not change!

Why is it so cheap you may ask? We want to have the greatest impact on workplace safety by making our knowledge accessible to as many people as possible. We’re basically giving away the content for free, the small fee of $95 covers our administration and IT costs.

How many staff can take the course?
An unlimited number of staff from one workplace address can complete the course within a 12-month period. This means if you start any new employees during the 12 months, they’ll be able to complete the training as part of their induction process.
We have multiple workshops, can this one fee cover all locations?
All online training course completions records are maintained within our online system ‘Evac Guide’. This system records completions based on facilities address. We encourage you to create a profile for each unique workshop, that way staff and their associated training records can be tracked accordingly. If you still have questions regarding this, please reach out to us for specific guidance.
Is this short course aligned to work health and safety standards?
Our ‘Emergency Awareness for Tyre and Mechanical Workshops’ course has been produced by experienced workplace emergency planning consultants so is aligned with the training requirements set out in Australian Standard 3745:2010 ‘Planning for Emergencies in Facilities’. This Australian Standard is known as an industry ‘best practice’ for achieving compliance with State-based Work Health & Safety Regulations.


* Price is $95 inc GST for 12 months unlimited enrolments for one workplace address.